Teddington U10 Blog link

From the Touchline
The waiting is over and a new season with new laws begins!

Welcome back to all the players, both old and new!

We had a great season last year with all the boys improving in so many different ways – it was a pleasure for all the coaches to be involved with such a cracking bunch of boys (shame about the parents !!)

I hope to carry on this season how we ended it – having fun and playing some great rugby. It is a real shame that we can’t start the season with a club tour because all those who went to Nottingham and Chichester at the end of last season had a superb time and the team spirit on return was immense!

The main aims this year will be to keep this going and to remember to play for each other, with each other, have fun together and perhaps win together!

Administration & Organisation

Structure of the Season

Sep Get used to the oval ball once again, have some fun training matches and get our heads around contested lineouts and scrums.
Oct/Nov Festival merry-go-round and more training
Dec/Jan Try not to eat too many mince pies and keep improving!
Feb/March Peak for the Middlesex County Competitions
April Tour and hopefully some festivals in the sun!!

Communication is King !!
Parents please keep an eye on e-mails on a regular basis and volunteer readily!

Mini Rugby with contact.

9 a-side - 3 forwards, 6 backs. Squad sizes are set by festival organisers, but not less that 12 players.

Laws of the Game apply in all respects except:

  • Scrum - 3 player front row, contested scrum.
  • Offside Line (Scrum) –Offensive team at back foot of the scrum; defensive team seven metres back from the back foot. Scrum half behind his hooker and the hindmost foot of scrum until the ball is out.
  • Line Out (Contested) - 2 players line out between 2m and 7m from the touchline. Third player throws in. Quick throw in NOT allowed.
  • Offside Line (Line Out) - All backs must be 7m from the line of touch except the scrum halves and opposing thrower who must remain in the 2m line from touch.
  • No kicking.
  • Free pass restart at kick off, infringement. At a free start, the starter cannot run with the ball and the receiving player can not run from more than 2 metres behind passer. Opponents 7 metres away on line parallel to goal line.
  • No hand offs, fend offs, scrag tackles or barging.

Coaches and Contact Details

Manager & Lead Coach

Ian Barton
88 Gloucester Road, Hampton, Middx, TW12 2UJ
020 8979 2258 or 0799 072 5624


Heini Furrer
54 Cranleigh Gardens, Kingston, Surrey, KT2 5TX
020 8404 9704 or 0777 970 9222