This Season’s Tour will be to Dorset and take place between Friday 11th April and Monday 14th April.

Tour Brochure for 2008 - pdf download

We hope to be playing a Fixture at Dorchester RFC or Bournemouth RFC on Saturday 12th April and a Triangular at Weymouth RFC on Sunday 13th April with Bridport RFC.

We will be staying at Littlesea Holiday Park in Weymouth. More details can be found at www.havenholidays.co.uk.

The tour will be sold from Sunday 7th October. Booking forms will be available from both your Age Group Coordinator or to download from the website.

We do expect the Tour to be over-subscribed so please ensure your Booking Form and Deposit Cheque are handed to your Age Group Coordinator as soon as possible. If you have any queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to speak to your Age Group Coordinator or the Tour Managers.

We look forward to seeing you all in Dorset next April.

Andy Brooks and Jenny Cox
Tour Managers

E-mail; AndyJen@TalkTalk.Net
Mobile: 07976 823530 (AJB) 07903 459932 (JMC)

Age Group Coordinators

U7’s Thomas Lack Thomas.lack@ntlworld.com
U8’s Ian Glover
07969 170078
U9’s Clare Meadows
07986 484407
U10’s Richard Gawn
07796 753990
U11’s Martin Nicholds
07801 917163
U12’s Roya G
07980 539080